Team Selection (Lake Simcoe Minor Softball)

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Team Selection is one of the most important functions of the LSMSA Executive each year.  The process is very involved, and the overall goal is to ensure that as a League we have a fair distribution of ages and skill levels across all teams in each division.  In the hope of fairness and equality in the division, there are a number of individuals involved.  Due to the fact that coaches are not always selected until Team Selection is completed, there is no direct Coach involvement.  The LSMSA Voting Executive are responsible for the process and the Convenor for each specific Division is also involved.  The process involves reviewing each player application, and selecting teams based on criteria that includes coach availability, ages of players, years of relevant ball experience of players, gender of players, skill of players where information is available, and positions of players preference.  The hope is to have an even distribution of ages, genders, years experience, skill, positions played such as Pitchers and Catchers, and of course a coach for each team.  The objective is that all teams within a division are as equal as possible to ensure fairness throughout the season and through Tournament Weekend.  Special requests for Coaches, family, friends, and transportation reasons are taken into consideration, and while not guaranteed, are looked at in terms of how they affect the overall goal of Team Selection, and not compromising the objectives of fairness and equality.  For any more information on this process, please feel free to contact an LSMSA Executive or your Division Convenor.


LSMSA Executive